
Average score 413 Reviews
dorothée lemaire noted on Google

5 months ago
Boris Volkov noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Superb service, fast, delicious, never disappointed! Thank you ! (Original) Superbe service, rapide, délicieux ,jamais déçu ! Merci a vous !

5 months ago
Nonink noted on Google

(Translated by Google) excellent, even if there is a bipolar waitress who is either very pleasant or hateful on certain days (Original) excellent, même si il y a une serveuse bipolaire qui est soit très agréable soit détestable certains jours

5 months ago
Angela Hovsepyan noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I love this restaurant, the best sushi and skewers!!! (Original) J’adore ce restaurant, les meilleurs sushi et brochettes !!!

5 months ago
Jean Francois Jurado noted on Google

6 months ago
Flo VaDoR noted on Google

6 months ago
Augustin Guigue noted on Google

6 months ago
#tia.O noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Amazing restaurant, I recommend it. I will come back with pleasure accompanied by my friends and colleagues. Hats off to their dessert system, it's very aesthetic and bright, it encourages me to eat everything. The rice is perfectly cooked and delicious. No comments on the restaurant. Great client server exchange. Food that met my expectations. Great adaptation of the place following the crisis since my last visit. (Original) Incroyable restaurant, je le recommande. Je reviendrai avec plaisir accompagnés de mes amis et de mes collègues. Chapeau bas pour leur système de dessert, c'est très esthétique et lumineux, cela m'incite à tout manger. Le riz est parfaitement cuit et délicieux. Aucune remarque sur le restaurant. Super échange client serveur. Nourriture à la hauteur de mes attentes. Super adaptation des lieux suite à la crise depuis ma dernière visite.

6 months ago
aymeric gouverneur noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very long wait but by far the best cordon bleu in the capital. Only downside: difficult to cut with chopsticks. The wait was worth it for this level of gastronomy. (Original) Attente très longue mais de loin les meilleurs cordons bleus de la capitale.Seul bémol : difficile a couper avec des baguettes.L'attente valait le coup pour ce niveau de gastronomie.

6 months ago
Fork noted on Google

6 months ago

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