
Average score 413 Reviews
Chaima Blec noted on Google

Service au top, plat rapporté rapidement rien à dire. Je recommande (Translated by Google) Top service, dish brought back quickly, nothing to say. I recommend

5 days ago
alexandre lambert noted on Google

Buffet à volonté à table (une rareté) en 3 tours max, mais vous prenez ce que bon vous semble à chaque fois. Mentions spéciale pour les brochettes (poulet ou boeuf) (Translated by Google) All you can eat buffet at the table (a rarity) in 3 turns max, but you take what you want each time. Special mentions for the skewers (chicken or beef)

8 days ago
Thémis 21 noted on Google

Une bonne adresse à retenir pour les amateurs de sushis. Vraiment très bon ! (Translated by Google) A good address to remember for sushi lovers. Really very good!

26 days ago
sasha carnevale noted on Google

29 days ago
Zedasix noted on Google

1 month ago
caro line noted on Google

1 month ago
Thémis 21 noted on Google

Une bonne adresse à retenir pour les amateurs de sushis. Vraiment très bon ! (Translated by Google) A good address to remember for sushi lovers. Really very good!

1 month ago
Alicia R noted on Google

1 month ago
Norine Feleu noted on Google

Notre petit resto préféré depuis 2 ans, les plats sont excellents, le service adorable, jamais déçus ☺️ (Translated by Google) Our favorite little restaurant for 2 years, the dishes are excellent, the service adorable, never disappointed ☺️

1 month ago
Margaux Miellet noted on Google

Nous avons pris à emporter, bien à l’heure, parfait très bon (Translated by Google) We took takeaway, well on time, perfect very good

1 month ago

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